This piece of documentation is quite old. Please help review it!
The developers have not yet create a standalone editor, so at the moment there is no easy and fast way like e.g. the Quake editor to build a map and directly import it into client. At the time of initial development, the developer had chosen to take advantage of the powerful 3ds Max usually used for 3D game modeling.
Landscapes in NeL are divided into zones. A zone is an area of 160x160 meters. Each zone is a patch mesh in 3dsmax.
The vertices at the boundary of the zones must be snapped to the bordering zone. They will be welded in the post process.
Zone naming is important. In NeL it's an automatic way for the landscape system to find the file with the zone data but it also determines the in-game location of the patch.
The zone name is formatted like: '''' The name is composed of a numeric coordinate (NUM = 3) and a alphabetical one (ALPHA = aa = 0). These translate into the coordinates of the zone in-game. The upper left corner of the zone coordinate is:
X = 160 * ALPHA
Y = 160 * - NUM
For examples, in snowball there is a zone called '''', this means that its upper left coordinates are ''320, -480''
First we have to configure some tools. In this document we assume you have built Snowballs, and it's running, because you need to be able to build Snowballs to continue here.
Almost tools are distributed under source format. There are no tools binaries available at the moment, and you will have to build all of them.
Tools not provided by the developer:
NeL's Tools are in the /code/nel/tools directory, and in its subdirectories, and there are 3 kind of tools.
Plugins and tools have to be compiled as all others tools. Compilation of tools is well documented and I recommand you to read these documents.
You can find documentation about how to paint zone under these folders as well.
In this document i explain how to build a simple landscape under 3DS max , how do you paint, export, build and import data into snowball client.
This is not a full documentation, step like paint , export and build will be more documented further.
But you will have a preview of each step to make a simple land for snowball 2 client.
Before read this document, you must have built 3DS MAX plugins and tools.
In this document there are some screenshoots take under 3D studio 3 release 3. There are some Gui difference between 3D studio version but dont be worry.
It appears five step to buid data. Let s go take a look to them.
Launch 3DSMAX.
Open a new MAX file.
Set the MAX units to Generic Units: Customize -> Units Setup
Creation of a Quad-Patch of 160*160 with 4-5 segments. Follow number on screenshot after having read zone organisation:
Zone organisation:
Landscape is made of zone and each zone is a Quad patch object in 3DSMAX.
missing image
Correlation between name and position:
The name is composed of a numeric ( NUM ) coordiante and a alpha one ( ALPHA ).
example 1:
The upper left of zone named must be at **( 0 ; -480 )
**(NUM = 3) and (ALPHA = aa = 0 ; ab = 1 ; ac = 2 ; ad = 2 ; ... )
The upper left corner of the zone coordinate is :
X = 160 * ALPHA = 160 * 0 = 0
Y = 160 * - NUM = 160 * 3 = -480
example 2:
The upper left zone named must be at ( 640; -320 )
(NUM = 2) and (ALPHA = ae = 4... )
The upper left corner of the zone coordinate is :
X = 160 * ALPHA = 160 * 4 = 640
Y = 160 * - NUM = 160 * 2 = -320
Now we will build 4 zone named:
7_AN : AN = 13 ( 13 * 160 , -7 * 160 ) -> ( 2080, -1120 )
7_AO : AN = 14 ( 14 * 160 , -7 * 160 ) -> ( 2240, -1120 )
8_AN : AN = 13 ( 13 * 160 , -8 * 160 ) -> ( 2080, -1280 )
8_AO : AN = 14 ( 14 * 160 , -8 * 160 ) -> ( 2240, -1280 )
Usual mistake:
**The entered position ( X,Y,Z ) under 3DSMAX are the middle of quad patch not upper left corner. So we have to make an easy transformation ( X + 80 , Y - 80, Z ).
Under 3DSMAX middle position of our zones are:
7_AN : ( 2080, -1120 ) -> ( 2160 ;-1200)
7_AO : ( 2240, -1120 ) -> ( 2320 ;-1200)
8_AN : ( 2080, -1280 ) -> ( 2160 ;-1360)
8_AO : ( 2240, -1280 ) -> ( 2320 ;-1360)
4.1Select Object Menu.
4.2 Select Quad patch.
4.3 Select Create
4.4 Enter X,Y,Z position, size
4.5 Enter lenght segs and width seg then click on top view and click Create button.
4.6 Now you can enter name of zone.
Repeat operation 4 for all four zone and make sure to use the right Patch/Zone names and their position are correct.
Deform the Patches as you like using the Edit Patch modifier, a standard tool in Max.
Save your max file because you cannot modify zone after convert !!!!
Find the NelConvert modifier in the MAX menu, apply it to all the patches.
8.1 Select the zone you want to convert.
8.2 Select modify.
8.3 Select More , then a list appear , select Nel Convert.
Apply Nel Convert to all 4 zone.
You must have created your own tile bank or downloaded snowball tile bank. Don't forget to set absolute path of bank with the tools tile_edit before select it under 3D studio.
Now select your tile bank you have. The Tile Banks hold all textures, transition maps, displacement maps (for making geometric noise) and info about what vegetations set is connected to tiles.
Follow number on screenshot
1.1 Select utilities.
1.2 Select More, a list appears, select Nel Tile Bank.
1.2 Click on button named "click to choose a bank" and find your "". Button is renamed "Bank".
Select the first Patch you want to paint and make that selected patch fill up your Perspective View.
Find and select the NeL Patch Painter ( as Nel Convert tool ) and apply that modifier to the Patch.
Press the Paint button in the NeL Patch Painter, Geometry roll-out.
Now you can Paint you patch with the tool that pops up.
Read** /code/nel/tools/3D/plugin_max/nel_patch_paint/user_guide.txt** to know key and read paint tool documentation.
Paint zone
7.1 Press F1 to go in TILE MODE.
7.2 Press Space Bar and select a snow texture.
7.3 While pressing F5 and fill the zone.
7.4 Quit tools with ECHAP key.
Finish painting all your Patches.
Make sure you have installed cygwin.
This piece of documentation is quite old. Please help review it!
This piece of documentation is quite old. Please help review it!